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I was given the opportunity by Meenakshi (Co-founder) and Aditya (Co-founder) for an internship as an Industrial designer at Afterconcepts (product development company) where I had the opportunity to be a part of multi-disciplinary projects with global clients and exciting start-ups, from start to launch. The projects I worked on ranged from Industrial design of medical products, and UI/UX for small start-ups to subcontract commissions for prestigious international govt agency such as NASA.



 / My Role

  • Associate Industrial Designer

  • Design Intern team Lead

I contribute my skills more in the niche of  Industrial design communications, where I bridged the gap between the afterconcepts Engineering Department and its Marketing Group to translate technical design features into powerful marketing materials. 

In  parallell I contributed as an associate industrial designer for many live projects. In Addition, I built visual representations of often-hard-to-explain concepts such as mechanical engineering and manufacturing validating prototyping processes.

# Visualization

# Portfolio - Curation

# Website  - UI/UX

# Industrial Design

# Experience Design

# Commmunication Design

/ About Afterconcepts.


" Hardware is Hard,We make it Easy."

**Just as how versatile a Reuleaux triangle the afterconcepts brand logo represents versatility in the relam of Design, Engineering and Prototyping.

A Reuleaux Triangle.


The logo stands for the three core services -

Designing, Engineering and Prototyping.


Multiple Visualization projects and portfolio curation assignments were done. 


Nife board

#Story telling

# Portfolio - Curation

# Visualization

In this portfolio documentation and visualization project, we documented and visualized a mobility product engineered and designed by AfterConcepts for an overseas client, NIFE.

 © Afterconcepts



# Portfolio - Curation

# Visualization

#Story telling

In this portfolio documentation and visualization project, we documented and visualized a lifestyle product designed by AfterConcepts for an overseas client,Ethique.

 © Afterconcepts

visual air1.25.jpg


# Portfolio - Curation

# Visualization

#Story telling

In this portfolio documentation and visualization project, we documented and visualized a IOT Hardware product  Engineered & designed by AfterConcepts for an overseas client,Vizaeras

 © Afterconcepts


 © Afterconcepts

Snow - Gear

# Portfolio - Curation

# Visualization

#Story telling

In this portfolio documentation and visualization project, we documented and visualized a IOT Hardware product  Engineered by AfterConcepts for an overseas independent client,xxxxx (4).gif

In addition, I have been also part of multiple live projects,



# Visual Design

# Portfolio - Curation

#Story telling


I had the opportunity to work on the final post-processing of the imageries and documentation of the project proceses that to be printed in the project of Realistic imagery portraying a Mars-like landscape cyclorama Sandbox for NASA's future CHAPEA missions at the Johnson space centre.

 © Afterconcepts



# Packaging Visualization


I had the opportunity to create packaging visualization to serve marketing and online website for the brand new disposible vape flavours  of Mellow Fellow co.

 © Afterconcepts

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